Bandages (English)

Bandaging a hand
Statistically, most accidents occur at home or in the workplace. Luckily, these accidents are most often only minor incidents, like a cut in the palm of your hand. But how should you treat this? It is in these situations that your first aid knowledge will come in handy. In this video you will learn how to properly treat and protect a hand injury.

For more information on the first aid courses offered by CGDIS:

Hand Bandage


Compression bandaging a forearm

It’s completely understandable for you to be scared at the sight of a bleeding injury at first. However, it is important to do everything you can to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. But what should you do until the paramedics arrive? In this video you will learn how to treat and stop forearm bleeding using a compression bandage.

For more information on the first aid courses offered by CGDIS:

Compression Bandage

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