
Dernières actualités

  1. Recrutement d'un agent en communication (m/f)

    Employé d'état dans le groupe d'indemnité B1, à tâche complète et à durée indéterminée

    Le Corps grand-ducal d’incendie et de secours se propose d’engager un agent en communication (m/f). Missions La mission principale du titulaire de poste est d’assister le service communication dans ses missions journalières en participant à l’exécution de la stratégie de...

  2. Recrutement d'un Chef de département Santé (m/f)

    Fonctionnaire d'état dans le groupe d'indemnité A1, à tâche complète et à durée indéterminée

    Le Corps grand-ducal d’incendie et de secours se propose d’engager un chef de département Santé (m/f). Missions La mission principale du titulaire du poste est de coordonner le département santé afin de garantir d’une part la surveillance de l’état de...

  3. Journée nationale de la sécurité civile 2024

    Den 22. September fënnt déi 3. Editioun vun der Journée Nationale de la Sécurité Civile zu Iechternach statt. Le 22. septembre la 3ème édition de la Journée Nationale de la Sécurité Civile aura lieu à Echternach. • 22. September 2024...

  4. Intempéries orageuses du samedi 24 juin 2024

    Bilan opérationnel La cellule orageuse a impacté le pays par le sud le samedi 29 juin 2024 vers 22h00 en se déplaçant en direction du nord-est et traversant le pays en plus ou moins 2 heures. De fortes de pluies...

Instagram 112

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The European Football Championship 2024 comes to an end. However, the GOAL campaign with the slogan "Get Trained Save Lives" continues until the end of the year. Participate in a free 45-minute course where you can learn the essential steps of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Learn the necessary steps to save lives! All information about the campaign and registration can be found on

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Around 11 AM, a serious traffic accident occurred in Pommerloch between a bus and a truck. Due to the high number of injured people reported to the emergency call center (CSU112), the operations management center (CGO) was activated to better manage the intervention, coordinate the transportation of patients to various hospitals, and ensure operational coverage in the rest of the area. In total, firefighters from 4 different fire and rescue centers (CIS), 10 ambulances from the CGDIS, 3 airlifted emergency doctors (SAMU), as well as the psychological support group (GSP), were on scene. 14 people were injured, 2 of them more seriously. You can find the full statement under

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[48 years since the accident in a plant near Seveso] On July 10, 1976, a severe accident occurred at a chemical plant near the Italian town of Seveso, where large quantities of a highly toxic substance were released. To prevent such accidents in the future, the European Union, together with its member states, established the Seveso directive. 15 companies in Luxembourg are classified as Seveso. What exactly should be done in case of an accident at a Seveso facility? For more information, you can visit

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[Deployment of 3 members of the HIT to the Caribbean islands] Following the damage caused by Hurricane Beryl, which struck multiple Caribbean islands, three members of the Luxembourg Fire and Rescue Corps, in their capacity as representatives of the specialized intervention group "Humanitarian Intervention Team" (HIT), were deployed. One member traveled to the Caribbean in a first phase to assess the needs for international aid and to coordinate support efforts on-site. In the same context, two additional members were mobilized as part of the partnership with the International Humanitarian Partnership (IHP) network to support teams on-site with logistical and technical means, including the satellite communication platform. You can find more information on


Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours

En cas d'urgence: 112

Numéros utiles:



Centre National d'Incendie et de Secours (CNIS)

3, boulevard de Kockelscheuer, L-1821 Luxembourg

Hôpitaux et pharmacies de garde

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